$1000 Friday, October 13th

1. What is todays FULL date Friday October 13th 2017         2. […]

1. What is todays FULL date
Friday October 13th 2017





2. What is the name of the main character in the Friday the 13th movie series
Jason Voorhees / Jason





3. What colour cat is considered to be unlucky if it crosses your path




4. “The Swift Life” is an app created by which artist
Taylor Swift




5. The sun will come out tomorrow, is the opening line in a song from which movie




6. If you are going to write the Bar, what profession are you most likely pursuing
Lawyer / Law




7. Last night the Colts played the Otters at home, which team won



8. Name the make-up brand that has rebranded with the new tag line “I am what I make up”
Cover Girl




9. Spell superstitious
S u p e r s t I t I o u s




10. If one pie takes 8 apples to make and you wanted to make pies for 12 of your friends. How many apples would you need