$1000 Minute Friday November 4th

1. Sing the next line “The Itsy Bitsy Spider Climbed ….” Up the Water Spout […]

1. Sing the next line “The Itsy Bitsy Spider Climbed ….”
Up the Water Spout

2. True of False in chess the queen piece can move in any direction?

3. Which pop Diva sang at the Hudson Bay/Saks Store in Toronto last night?
Mariah Carey

4. What is the 10th word of our national anthem?
5. Spell LOVE backwards?


6. If an adult movie ticket costs 10.50 and a child’s ticket is half price? How much would it cost for 2 kids?
7. If you’re driving across Canada and visit Calgary, then Winnipeg. What Direction are you driving in?
8. What company made the animated movie Trolls.

9. In the story Goldie Locks and the 3 bears, who’s porridge was “Just right”
Baby Bears

10. If you order an “Americano” beverage what drink will you be served?