$1000 Minute Thursday, January 18th

1. What is Winnie the poohs favourite treat? Answer: Honey       2. What […]

1. What is Winnie the poohs favourite treat?
Answer: Honey



2. What City is home to the Jets in the NHL
Answer: Winnipeg



3. What province is Winnipeg in?
Answer: Manitoba



4. What Canadian City is home to the big nickel?
Answer: Sudbury



5. What Disney- elephant can fly?
Answer: Dumbo



6. T/F A traditional stop sign in Ontario is in the shape of an octagon.
Answer: True



7. What is the actor’s name that stars as Forest Gump in Forest Gump?
Answer: Tom Hanks



8. If Robyn started a new job January of 2003 and quit in January 2017, how many years did she have that job?
Answer: 14 years




9. How many letters are in the Hawaiian alphabet?
Answer: 13




10. Spell Hawaiian