$1000 Minute Wednesday December 21

1. Which actor plays Clark Griswold in National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation Chevy Chase 2. How […]

1. Which actor plays Clark Griswold in National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
Chevy Chase

2. How many points are on a traditional star shape

3. Cruz Beckham has released the video for his song “If Every Day Was Christmas” What sport does his famous father play
Soccer / football

4. True or False, if you received all the presents in the 12 days of Christmas you would receive over 400 presents
False; 364 would be the total

5. What does the acronym DIY stand for
Do It Yourself

6. Fill in the blank of this Christmas Carol “Baby It’s _BLANK_ outside”

7. Visions of what are dancing in the childrens heads in the story ‘Twas the night before Christmas
Sugar plums

8. In the Simpsons when Homer starts a snow plow business what does he call himself
Mr Plow

9. Solar power generates electricity from what source?
The Sun

10. When you spell out Twenty One, how many letters are there