Are you getting enough Vitamin D?

The symptoms are vague but include muscle weakness, bone pain, fatigue, and gut trouble. To know […]

The symptoms are vague but include muscle weakness, bone pain, fatigue, and gut trouble. To know for sure if you’re lacking, you need to get a specific vitamin D blood test which will show your level and how much you need to supplement it by.

If you’re worried about feeling weak and achy all the time – particularly in the winter – you should probably ask your GP for a quick test.  According to the NHS, we need 10mg of vitamin D a day and normally we get enough during the lighter months.However, during the winter when we seem to be perennially in darkness, it can be difficult to get our fill.

Vitamin D rich foods include:

oily fish – salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel
red meat
egg yolks
fortified breakfast cereals and spreads

You can also get supplements which the NHS recommend taking between October and March. And they also suggest that you expose your skin to the sun for at least 10 minutes a day – meaning that it’s probably a good idea to leave your desk and get outside during lunch for a quick burst.

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