Having kids does mean less sleep, it means less sleep for women, not for men.

A new study from Georgian Southern University examined data from a survey of 5,805 people […]

A new study from Georgian Southern University examined data from a survey of 5,805 people and found that for women under 45, the only factor associated with not getting enough sleep was having children, with each child increasing the odds of insufficient sleep by nearly 50%.

48% of women with children reported getting at least seven hours of sleep, versus 62% of women without kids.

No other factors – not even exercise or marital status – were linked to how long women slept.
But for men, having kids didn’t factor into making them sleep-deprived.

Somehow, while mums are being kept up by their kids to the point that they’re getting under six hours of sleep a night, men are getting away with sleeping a full eight hours.  Women with children reported feeling tired 14 days out of a month, while women without kids felt tired 11 days