Introducing Fridaballs, The World’s First Kid-Proof Underwear!

The perfect Father's Day Gift!

This new Gitch provides dad with extra protection when he’s horsing around with the kids!  We’ve seen it in person and on YouTube, dad playing outside and taking a ball/hockey puck to the groin.  Ouch!

But thanks to a new company, dad can now play freely without the worry of imminent pain to his crotch with the all-new kid-proof underwear!

Chelsea Hirschhorn, co-founder and CEO, said the idea was sparked by the punishment her husband received at the hands and feet of their sons.

According to Hirschhorn, the underwear is comfortable: “We took inspiration from sports padding and then modified the structure to increase style and comfort.” It’s not a full on jock strap but provides protection plus comfort and style.

Plus, it may create the illusion of one’s package looking bigger if that’s what he’s always wanted- Bonus!