Losing Lots Of Hair This Time Of Year Is Totally Normal

Don’t worry, you’ll be fine!

If you’ve noticed that you’re shedding hair a lot more lately, it’s fine!

I’ve noticed because my sink drain is totally plugged up…So gross!  This happens to me a lot, constantly pulling pieces of hair off my clothing, removing a small animal like furball from my hairbrush after I run it through my hair, and don’t get me started on yanking strands out from between my butchers after a rinse my hair in the shower…

Happy to say, this is all totally normal and if you feel like there’s more hair on the floor lately than on your head- you’re not alone…

Researchers from John Hopkins University School of Medicine in Maryland wanted to measure hair loss. So they google searched hair loss between January 2004 to October 2016 in eight different countries…

They found that all countries had a similar pattern transitioning from summer to fall. More hair loss in the fall than in any other season…

One of the theories as to why this happens is that we grow more hair in the summer to protect our scalp skin from harmful sunburns. And as the temp cools and there is less daylight, we don’t need as much protection on our heads, so we shed out hair…. Lovely!  The people behind the study say that much more research needs to be done…

Fun Fact: Its estimated that we lose as many as 100 hairs per/day!