New Guidelines Say Infants Should Be Introduced To Peanuts By 6 Months.

Not After A Year Old, As Previously Thought

According to new guidelines released Thursday by a U.S. Government panel, to reduce the risk of peanut allergy, infants should eat foods containing peanuts by the time they are six months old.

Prior to this study, guidelines stated that you should delay introducing peanuts to infants until they are more than a year old. According to this study, “you should actively introduce peanut,” said the panel’s Canadian member, Edmond Chan, head of the division of allergy and immunology at the University of British Columbia’s department of pediatrics and director of the allergy clinic at BC Children’s Hospital.

Caution about feeding foods containing peanuts to infants “has probably led to more peanut allergies,” according to Dr. Chan.

You can read more about this landmark study here

(Courtesy the Globe and Mail)