New Study On Parent’s Stress Level, Show Most Parents Are Having A Hard Time

Are you always stressed out?

New study looking at 2000 parents and found that the most common stresses which parents go through are getting homework done, trying to limit screen time and bath time…


Study also found that the average parent is stressed out six times a day and says that the age of five is the most stressful age to deal with.

The study was done BPme, a new app which lets customers pay for gas without leaving the car – this in an effort to help parents reduce the stress of everyday tasks with children.  Research also found that parents have a very hard time getting through the day without losing their cool.

The study also found when kids cause the most stress for parents:

46% of the stress is cause at home

13% of the stress is cause while out shopping with kids

10% of the stress is cause when out at a restaurant

Here’s more on the study