Rick Mercer’s Rant Remembering Gord

That time Gord Downie called Rick's dad and it was awesome.

It has been just over a week since Gord Downie, lead singer of the Tragically Hip, Canada’s poet, passed away.

Canadians across the country have been sharing their memories and tributes.






But, from another Canadian icon, Rick Mercer, comes a simple, beautiful, and funny story that encapsulates the kind of man Gord Downie was and why his music was the way it was, so encomassing of Canada.

Check it out:

My favourite part: “‘Seems like a great a great guy. We talked for about an hour.’ I says “Dad. Do you have any idea who that was? He’s the lead singer of Canada’s greatest Rock and Roll bands. He’s one of our greatest song writers.’ And Dad says ‘Really? He never mentioned he was in a band. He just said he was Gord from Kingston.'”