Scientists Prove “Feed a Cold, Starve a Fever” Is True

A new study out of the Yale School of Medicine found that the old saying […]

A new study out of the Yale School of Medicine found that the old saying “feed a cold, starve a fever” is pretty much GANG ON.

The researchers found that when you have a viral infection like a cold or the flu, eating helps you recover and get through it, but when you have a fever because of a bacterial infection like a staph infection or food poisoning, eating actually makes things worse.  Of course, you need to eat something, but they say to avoid sugary foods and stick to small portions of things like chicken and yogurt.



You want to consume plenty of liquid and nutrients.
Drink: water, decaffeinated tea, fresh juice, lemon and ginger in hot water
The key is to replenish the fluid in your body as the infection will leave you dehydrated. Ginger and lemon do wonders to reboot the immune system
Eat: chicken soup, spicy food
Chicken contains an amino acid called cysteine which helps dilute mucus, while spice helps with decongestion



When you need food, you should still eat. Just don’t eat your way through your sickness.
Most important: avoid sugary foods.
Drink: water, water, and more water
Eat: small portions of chicken, probiotics like yogurt, and fresh fruit