The Average Person Will Eat About 5,241 Calories During Christmas Dinner!

Ho Ho Hold the Yams!

Its Christmas and you’ve eaten yourself into a coma!  Once you get up, still feeling full and gross;  how hard will you have to work to burn those calories off?


If you’re a runner, you’d have to do 2 marathons or about 84km to work off that feast.

If you’re a biker, you’d have to cycle about 175 km or swim for about 13 hours.

If you go to the gym, you’d have to work out for almost 9 hours and burn about 590 calories an hour doing cardio and weights.


The average person puts on about 4 pounds between Christmas Eve and  New Years.

Perhaps you only have one or two slices of turkey this year, as 4 slices of turkey = 404 calories. And if you have two glasses of red wine that’s about 320 calories; 2 glasses of White Wine = 240 calories

Merry Christmas! It will take you until Easter to fit back into your pants!