There Is An Age When You Should Stop Wearing Jeans

You should stop buy jeans at age 53, wait- what?

Oh, the irony of this…. A lot of little kids don’t like wearing jeans. Its a piece of clothing that takes a while to embrace…

Now that you’re past the age of 10, you and jeans go together like PB and J but wait- someone is now telling you not to buy them anymore.

According to a 2016 study by British company CollectPlus, there’s an age at which we should find a new way to be stylish. And that age … is 53.

In fairness, there usually is a best before date for other clothing like miniskirts and crop tops…

The survey doesn’t suggest to stop wearing the denim altogether but rather to stop buying them; just wearing the pairs you have…

So, if you can still fit into your old jeans, you’re good! But shopping for new ones? The study says to forget it.

Here are a few other below the belly button options…

Overalls; not just for toddlers!
pantsuits; always making a statement…
Corduroy! You’ll never be able to bend at the knee…
Elastic slacks… requires no belts or buttons…
No pants!