There’s a mom who wrote an amazing list of “Don’ts” for her daughter

But after reading it, you’ll see it applies to everyone!

Author and blogger Toni Hammer, who is a mother of two penned a brilliant list for her daughter. It’s a list of all the things her daughter should NOT do. But to any parent, you’ll see that this list can apply to any kid, which may be the reason its been shared over 4000 times so far:


Toni writes: 

‘To my daughter,’ wrote Toni. ‘Don’t apologize when someone else bumps into you.

‘Don’t say “sorry to be such a pain.” You’re not a pain. You’re a person with thoughts and feelings who deserves respect

‘Don’t make up reasons as to why you can’t go out with a guy you don’t wanna go out with. You don’t owe anyone an explanation. A simple “no thanks” should be acceptable.

‘Don’t overthink what you eat in front of people. If you’re hungry, eat, and eat what you want. If you want pizza, don’t get a salad just because other people are around. Order the damn pizza.

‘Don’t keep your hair long to make someone else happy.

‘Don’t wear a dress if you don’t want to.

‘Don’t stay home because you don’t have anyone to go out with. Take yourself out. Have experiences by yourself and for yourself.

‘Don’t hold back your tears. Crying means you’re feeling something that needs to get out. It’s not a weakness. It’s being human.
‘Don’t smile because someone told you to.

‘Don’t be afraid to laugh at your own jokes.

‘Don’t say “yes” to be polite. Say “no” because it’s your life.

‘Don’t hide your opinions. Speak up and speak loudly. You should be heard.

‘Don’t apologize for being who you are. Be brave and bold and beautiful. Be unapologetically you.’



So here’s to a lifetime of DON’TS…. Thanks for the list Toni!