What a relief!

Ankle bracelet worn just a few hours a day could help millions of people tackle […]

Ankle bracelet worn just a few hours a day could help millions of people tackle that desperate need to go !  If you’re like me, and always seem to have to pee- this could be a game changer!

A bracelet worn round the ankle for just a few hours a day could help millions of people reduce the frustration of having to make frequent trips to the bathroom…

The minimally invasive device works by stimulating a nerve that runs down the leg and can be highly effective for people who have an overactive bladder (OAB). Also said to be affective for women after childbirth, as childbirth often weakens the muscles cause us to have to pee all the time…Filling and emptying the bladder involves a complex interaction between nerve signals and a sheet of muscles known as the pelvic floor working together to hold in urine.

In those suffering from OAB, faulty nerve impulses cause the muscles to contract, resulting in an urgent need to urinate. The condition is described as ‘urge incontinence’.