Winter Blahs: What Causes Them and how to Beat Them

Get a better understanding of the Winter Blah's and how to cure them!

As Canadian’s, it’s basically in our blood to be able to deal with even the worst of winters. However, there comes a point where the cold, wet and overall gray season becomes too much- what we like to call the winter blahs.

What causes those nasty Blahs, you ask?

Well, according to Web MD, seasonal depression is caused by the lack of sunlight. To put simply, many studies have shown that people with seasonal affective disorder feel better after exposure to bright light. It seems simple enough: In higher latitudes, winter days are shorter, so you get less exposure to sunlight. Replace lost sunlight with bright artificial light, and your mood improves.

Now, we need to find a way to beat them… Preferably with a very large stick, but these methods should work too… Maybe… keep the stick handy.


  1. Buy an artificial sunlight lamp.

This is more on the pricier side of things, however, when you’re down in the dumps of winter, you pretty much willing to try anything.

Check out this Verilux HappyLight lamp on Amazon: Click Here

  1. Get moving!

Many studies have shown that keeping active in general creates good endorphin’s that send messages to our brain that put us in a good mood! And even though you may be working on your sweater figure in the winter (guilty) maybe trying to hit the gym a little more will help in many different departments!

  1. Listen to your favourite music

We don’t have to tell you that listening to your favourite music will put you in a good music, because you already know that! So throw on your jams and dance around a little, we won’t judge.

  1. Plan things that you can look forward to

even if this is something as simple as planning a dinner with friends, it totally gives you something to look forward to and will take your mind off the crappy weather outside!

Staycations are a huge thing as well, there are so many resorts and perfect outings in our area that you can take day trips to go check out.

Here’s a list of a few places you should go see:

Take in a show at casino rama

Outdoor skating trail at discovery harbour in midland

The GO Train now runs on the weekend in Barrie! Take a trip down to Toronto for the day

The village at Blue Mountain is also very beautiful this time of year and a great way to spend a weekend.

  1. Have the right gear to get through winter!

This one may sound silly, and we’re not saying that you should go break the bank on an expensive winter outfit. However, good boots and a warm jacket can make your trek through the office parking lot or into the mall a lot easier! There’s nothing worse than having cold wet feet (YUCK), so do yourself a favour and keep warm!

  1. Remember to take your mental health seriously.

Your mental health is sooo important, and there’s absolutely no shame in speaking to someone when you’re going through a tough time! You do you and take care of yourself!