$1000 Minute Friday September 9th

  How many of Snow Whites seven Dwarfs have names that start with the letter […]


  1. How many of Snow Whites seven Dwarfs have names that start with the letter S?
  1. Witches are said to fly on what?
  1. Your surname is your first or last name?
  1. What does the acronym LOL stand for?
  1. What is the square root of 81?
  1. When typing on a keyboard, your right or left hand strikes the ‘K’ key?
  1. Spell kijiji?
  1. Which bear was taken off the endangered species list this week?
  1. When added together how many days are in the month of September & October?
  1. The NFL Regular season kicks off this weekend, who are the reigning Super Bowl Champions?


2  (Sleepy & Sneezy), Brooms, Last name, Laugh out Loud, 9, Right, K I J I J I, Panda Bear, 61, Denver Broncos