$1000 Minute Monday, April 15th

1) What is the home of a beaver called? (Lodge)           […]

1) What is the home of a beaver called?







2) Who won The Masters yesterday?
(*Tiger Woods )







3) TRUE OR FALSE: Avocado is also known as an alligator pear.







4) What kind of tree do acorns come from?







5) How many sleeps are there until Easter Sunday?








6) Which season of ‘Game Of Thrones’ premiere last night?
(Season 8)







7) Which board game do you try and carefully remove the funny bone, Adam’s Apple & the Charlie Horse?








8) If Taylor had 15 roses and wanted to divide them up among each of her 3 friends, how many would each get?








9) Yellow, Dijon and Spicy brown are types of what?








10) What do you call a baby goat?