$1000 Minute Monday November 21st

1. What is this Friday referred to in the retail world Black Friday 2. True […]

1. What is this Friday referred to in the retail world
Black Friday

2. True or False The American Thanksgiving is celebrated on Thursday

3. How many wheels are on a unicycle

4. Which Canadian Hockey legend will appear on the Simpsons on December 4th
Wayne Gretzky

5. The Grudge Match is this Friday in Barrie, what charity does the Grudge Match support
The Canadian Cancer Society

6. What is the next line in this popular nursery rhyme: Row, Row, Row your boat……”
Gently Down the Stream

7. Hatchimals are a sought after toy this holiday season spell hatchimals
H a t c h i m a l s

8. The first night of Hanukah is December 24th , how long is Hanukah
8 nights (8 days is also accepted)

9. How many times does 100 (one hundred) go into 100000 (one million)
1000 (one thousand)

10. Name one of the two teams playing in this weekend’s Grey Cup
Calgary or Ottawa