$1000 Minute Monday, November 5th

1)    What fraction describes perfect eyesight? (20/20)           2)    What is […]

1)    What fraction describes perfect eyesight?






2)    What is the name of the “Hunchback of Notre Dame”?







3)    Python, Copperhead and Anacondas are all types of what?








4)    Who are the Toronto Raptors playing tonight?
(Utah Jazz)








5)    What is the tallest mammal?








6)    Does a record turntable turn clockwise or counter clockwise?







7)    Which animal completes the phrase “Blind as a _____”






8)    If twenty people each buy 3 cupcakes, how many were sold in total?







9)     Today is Bryan Adams’ Birthday. What Canadian province was he born in?







10)  How many presidents’ heads are carved into Mount Rushmore?