$1000 Minute Monday September 26th

1. What is another word for Autumn Fall 2. NFL season is underway, What does […]

1. What is another word for Autumn

2. NFL season is underway, What does the ‘F’ represent in NFL

3. What do horses wear that is considered lucky
Horse shoes

4. What is the world’s longest river
Amazon River

5. A Bishop in chess only moves in which direction

6. How many valves does a trumpet have

7. What flower is associated with Remembrance Day?

8. Dom Perignon is a brand of champagne, spell Dom Perignon

D o m P e r i g n o n

9. Candles on a birthday cake represent what?
Age / how old you are

10. If you picked 8 apples and your friend picked 17, how many more apples did your friend pick?