$1000 Minute Wednesday January 18th 2017

1. What liquid is usually poured over cereal Milk 2. Clogs / Gladiators / Stilleto’s […]

1. What liquid is usually poured over cereal

2. Clogs / Gladiators / Stilleto’s are worn on which body part

3. Cupid is a symbol used for which holiday
Valentine’s day

4. An X-Ray looks at injuries in bones or muscles

5. In this nursery rhyme, who sat on a wall before they had a great fall
Humpty Dumpty

6. How many years are in a millennium
1000 (one thousand)

7. Spell millennium
M I l l e n n I u m

8. Who won last night’s Leafs game?
The Leafs

9. Which day this week will be the last day of President Obama’s Presidency

10. Charlie baked 3 trays of 12 cookies, she divided them evenly into 4 bags. How many cookies are in each bag?