Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Lawsuit Tossed Out, Regarding “Happy Cows”

This is rather ah-moo-zing!

A Federal lawsuit was tossed out of court brought against Ben & Jerry’s my environmentalist James Ehlers who claimed that the ice cream company misled consumers by saying its ice Creams comes from “Happy Cows.”


The activist says that many of the cows that produce Ben & Jerry’s milk are raised on factory-style farms and are not enrolled in the company’s “caring dairy” program.

Ehlers claims the ice cream company intentionally misled people and prevented them from making a meaningful and informed ice cream buying choice…


But the court says that on the fine print Ben & Jerry’s does acknowledge that not all the cow’s are enrolled in the “happy Dairy” program… The company has since removed the words “Happy cows” from its labeling to ensure that there is no confusion moving forward…