EVERYONE has weird, dark, borderline-insane thoughts.

They’ll pop into your mind for no apparent reason. Ever drifted off during a conversation and […]

They’ll pop into your mind for no apparent reason. Ever drifted off during a conversation and imagined punching the other person in the face for absolutely no reason?

It’s totally normal. Everyone thinks these things. Right?


For example:

‘What if I took all my clothes off right now?’

When you imagine leaning in for a kiss with your boss/colleague/platonic friend mid-conversation.

When you imagine yourself dying, then picture your funeral and how sad everyone would be.

When you see someone riding a bike and have an intense urge to just reach out and push them off.

When you see someone running and your mind says: ‘STICK OUT YOUR FOOT AND TRIP THEM. DO IT.’

When you imagine everyone else being in serious danger so you can be the hero.

Every time you see someone holding a mug: ‘I could just knock that out of their hands.’

marnie-cakeWhen you see someone eating something delicious: ‘I could just take that entire cake and jam it in my mouth right now. That would be fun.’

When you imagine developing a serious illness, but going into work so everyone would be impressed by how brave you are.

When it’s really silent and you feel like you might break it by making incoherent noises.

‘What if instead of going to the toilet, I just wet myself?’

‘What if everyone can read my thoughts and they know all the weird stuff I’m thinking?’