From Negative Viral Ad To… FANTASTIC AD?

Swap the bike for gin, and you've got a winning combo!

About less than a week ago, health fitness brand Peloton which sells a stationary bike with guided cycles, made HUGE headlines on the internet.

They dropped an ad that “attempted” to depict a fitness journey, all started by a holiday purchase of the bike.  Check it out below!

Some call the ad “sexist” as the woman is clearly in great shape, and also she looks terrified the entire time. Others think the ad is just plain dumb and doesn’t work, and are making fun of the “sexist” believers.

It’s a WHOLE debacle.

Needless to say, Ryan Reynold’s stepped in with his own gin brand Aviation American gin to remedy the situation.

They crushed it AND! When the original was out without captions, Reynolds himself made sure to toss them in for those with auditory challenges.

Check out how amazing this is ad is:

Needless to say they’ve won my money! Aviation American Gin has been crushing it with the VIRAL ads, including this crossover with Samsung. Check it out.