Have boobs but no cleavage? Welcome to the club!

It’s like this article was written for Charlie!  Things You’ll Only Get If You Have […]

It’s like this article was written for Charlie!  Things You’ll Only Get If You Have Boobs But No Cleavage…

You’ve probably either got really tiny ta-tas, or boobs that just point in completely opposite directions.

If you squish your boobs with your hands you can easily get cleavage like a renaissance lady in a corset.

But it doesn’t matter which bra you wear, it will never give you a cleavage.

Even though when you lie on your side gravity gives you the best push-up bra you could wish for. (but only to one boob the other is flat like a pancake)

You’ve definitely considered forcing them together with duct tape before.  You and cleavage are not meant to be.

And that’s OK, because tiny ladies are beautiful.  And so are boobs that point out sideways, or downwards, or just don’t meet in the middle.  Is your head spinning?

Moral of the story, love your boobs even if they don’t love each other!
