How a Teal Pumpkin Can Make Halloween Better

Halloween fun for kids with food allergies

Halloween is a lot of fun for kids: dressing up and getting loads of treats. But for children with food allergies, it’s complicated. Every candy needs to be inspected for ingredient lists and When in Doubt, Throw it Out.

For kids with severe and/or multiple food allergies, the treats are a no-go. Some parents will make special treats and trade them for the candy kids collect and that’s great but, what a lot of work!

More and more food-allergy parents are looking for Teal Pumpkins to let them know their kids can enjoy trick-or-treating without worry. The teal pumpkin is short hand for “We have non-food treats”. Simple as that!

You can join in by painting a pumpkin teal, shining a teal coloured light, or putting up a sign and then having non-food treats at the ready: dinky cars, stickers, crayons,stamps, play dough and more!

Want to learn more or get signs? Check out Food Allergy Canada

Teal Pumkin Project image courtesy Food Allergy Canada