How Parents Punish their kids. Then vs Now!


When you were a kid and hit your younger brother or twisted the head off your sister’s Barbie doll, you were punished, and it’s a good bet it involved no TV-watching for the rest of the day or even an entire week.


That’s so yesteryear.


Parents now punish their kids’ misbehaviour by taking away Internet privileges, according to researchers from the University of South Carolina’s Annenberg Center for the Digital Future. Other findings from the survey:

  • 71% of parents are comfortable with the amount of time their children spend online.
  • Just 51% of parents are comfortable with the amount of time their kids watch TV.
  • 11% of parents say Internet access has reduced the amount of time their children spend face-to-face with their friends, compared with 7% who said this in 2000. “The answer is never about technology. It’s always about parental responsibility,” said Michael Gilbert, a senior fellow at the Annenberg Center for the Digital Future.