How To Talk To Your Kids About The Coronavirus!

If adults are nervous, imagine how your kids are feeling...

Always keep in mind, that kids hear everything. 

They hear things at home when you think they aren’t listening, they hear things at school and of course there is social media flooding them with information.  At this point, we should all assume that our kids are aware of COVID-19, but how much do they actually know about it?

Psychologists suggest talking to your kids about it to ensure that they have the right information and to ease any anxiety that they may be feeling.

Here are some tips!


Stress their safety

Kids need to feel safe.  The good news is that so far, children appear to be outside the danger zone.  There have hasn’t been many cases reported or seen in kids so far, and the few cases have been very mild.


Question your kids

Ask your kids what they know or have heard so far about the Coronavirus.  It’s a well known fact, that kids talk to each other on the playground, and that information may not be accurate. 


Tell them about the virus

Let them know about symptoms that come with the virus.  It’s kinda like the flu.  There is a fever, a couch and maybe wheezing according to doctors.  Comparing it to something they already know, will make it more familiar and help them process the information better.


Be Truthful

While children don’t seem to experience the same symptoms as older people, make them aware that this disease is dangerous to some people- and those people are much older.  Let them know, that although some people have died, reassure them that 98% of people do recover from the virus.


Let Them Know That They Can Do Things To Prevent The Spread

As parents, we’re constantly reminding kids to wash their hands.  Now is a good time to stress the importance of the practise.  Experts continue to stress washing hand for 20-seconds with soap and water after using the bathroom, before eating and after being in public spaces-like schools or birthday parties.  Remind them to not touch their faces and to sneeze into their elbow or a tissue.


Reassure them

Once again, kids need to feel safe.  Let them know that scientists, doctors and governments around the world are working hard to find a treatment.

Here is more information from experts