Is “Snazzy” the Safest Word to Use When Complimenting a Coworker?

So old school, it can't possibly offend someone!

Complimenting a coworker’s outfit can backfire if they take it the wrong way.

Someone on Twitter claims “snazzy” is the best word to use when you’re dolling out compliments at work because it’s totally benign.  And it’s so old-school, it can’t possibly be seen as sexual or offensive.


Here are some examples they gave on how to use it:  You could say, “Hey, those are some snazzy earrings you’ve got on.”  Or, “Wow, that’s a snazzy shirt, work friend!”

Other words like “neat,” “slick,” or “nifty” might work too.  But they claim snazzy is the safest.


Another strategy is to just be factual with your comments.  Like, “Neat, your headband matches your necklace.”  Or, “Wow, your skirt has whales all over it.”  (Is that last one even a compliment?  Also, stop looking at my skirt, creep!)


The one thing they say to never comment on is physical attributes.  Like, telling someone their lips look “snazzy,” because it could still come across wrong.