Michael Jackson Wanted To Be James Bond!

But guacamole got in the way...

Michael Jackson wanted to play James Bond… Agent Michael Ovitz has a new book and in it he shares a story about MJ meeting him for lunch to discuss his possibilities about playing James Bond!

“As he talked, his hat fell into the guacamole in front of him, and he picked it out and put it back on — unfortunately, with a blob of guacamole attached, which began to slide down the brim,” Ovitz writes. “(Fellow former agent) Ron Meyer tapped my leg to draw my attention to it, and we all watched in horrified fascination as it slid lower and lower while Michael was pitching us hard on how he was America’s next action hero.

“Then the blob fell off, and Ron totally lost it. I cracked up, too, and Michael stalked out.”  Ovitz ran after MJ  to explain that he probably won’t be a good fit for the British Spy…