Rare Supermoon To Light Up Skies Tonight & Tomorrow Night

A once-in-a-lifetime experience!

The supermoon tonight and tomorrow night is supposed to be at its biggest and brightest since 1948. And the moon won’t be this close to the earth again until 2034. On Monday it will appear 14 per cent larger and 30 per cent brighter than it normally does. Apparently it’ll be so bright you can read by the moonlight! No lamps or lights needed 🙂

Find a spot around town with no lights like a park or a field. Or at least make sure you’re by a window for this once-in-a-lifetime experience!

Supermoon from September 2015 in Glastonbury, England (Image via india.com)

And you might lose some sleep too. A study found that adults slept for 20 minutes less on the night of a full moon.

I always feel weird when it’s a full moon. People claim that full moons can change their moods but the studies suggest that we just tend to sleep less. I’m thinking this lack of sleep could cause the mood alterations.

So if anything weird happens tonight or tomorrow night, just blame it on the supermoon!

Learn more about supermoons here.

Where in Simcoe County will you be watching the supermoon? 

Main Image is the supermoon last September, taken by my mother in Aurora