The disappointment Of Adulthood…

When you’re a kid, you can’t wait to grow up… Now that you’re an adult, […]

When you’re a kid, you can’t wait to grow up… Now that you’re an adult, all you want to do is be a kid again… Irony!

Here’s a list of why Adulthood sucks!

Being an adult is like folding a fitted sheet- you try and get it right, but more of the time you fail or can’t be bothered!

Chapters will never be as exciting as the scholastic book fair…

When you grow up- people stopping asking you what your favourite Barbie is or Dinosaur… No one cares anymore

When you were having a birthday as a kid- it was so exciting, especially when you turned 10, 13, 16, 19 and 21… All birthday’s after that seems like a doomsday clock…

When you’re a kid, you hear “When you’re an adult, you can do whatever you want”- Biggest lie ever!

When you’re a kid- you were able to come home from school and watch TV- as an adult and a parent- TV is whatever your kids are watching…

That day you went to school with brand new shoes- as an adult- your new shoes have different purposes- like odour eaters or an orthopaedic function…