Top Toys this Holiday season are Sold Out!

We’ve come a long way since the pet rocks…oh and the Furby… Hatchimal- This year’s […]

We’ve come a long way since the pet rocks…oh and the Furby…

Hatchimal- This year’s most desirable toy- Its a fury creature witch emerges from an egg….Parents are freaking out over this sold out Christmas toy….There are five so-called “species” of Hatchimals: Pengualas, Draggles, Owlicorns, Burtles and Bearakeets. The retail value for a Hatchimal is $59.99, but consumers are now selling them for hundreds (even thousands!) of dollars on eBay, Amazon and other online retailers.




Just released on Friday is the release of Nintendo’s adorable little box, reminiscent of the original NES from 1985! It comes with 30 games built into the hardware. Some games include, Mario Bros. Donkey Kong, Dr. Mario and Zelda…. If you think this game unit is hard to find, forget about a second controller! There weren’t many released! The system retails for $60 in stores….


Here’s a Toy you can still find…. Speaks for itself!