Wage Gap Widens The Higher You Climb The Ladder

Women earn less on every rung but the bottom one

The pay gap between men and women is not getting any smaller. A report from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives finds the average working woman in Ontario earns 70 cents for every dollar a man pulls in. There’s one exception, at the bottom 10 per cent of the pay ladder, where women actually earn $190 more than men. However, as you climb each rung of the ladder, as incomes rise, the disparity shifts. In the middle, women earn an average $9000 a year – or 27 per cent – less than men. At the top of the ladder – the top ten per cent – the gap is more like $64000 or 37 per cent. The Ontario Equal Pay Coalition wants Queen’s Park to close the gap, across all pay scales, by 2025.