We Are So Addicted To Our Phone That Some Will Even Text Another Person In The Same Room

Are you one of these people?

According to a new survey on our addiction to our cell phones, 64% of people say they’ve texted someone that’s in the same room as them.  


Here are five more stats from the survey . . .


1.  88% of people feel UNEASY leaving their phone at home.


2.  66% check their phone at least 160 times a day, or roughly 10 times an hour.


3.  33% spend more time on their phone than with their significant other, and 17% spend more time on their phone than with their children.


4.  45% would rather give up sex for a year than their phone for a year.


5.  And finally, three-quarters of people admit they’re ADDICTED to their phone, including 19% of people who say they’re “very” addicted.