We can all save the environment by doing this in the Shower!

You don’t need to feel bad about doing this in the shower. If you’re a […]

You don’t need to feel bad about doing this in the shower.

If you’re a shower pee-er; there is now mathematical evidence to back up your habit!

Woman taking shower and smiling through steamy glass with shampoo soap suds on her head. Vienna, Austria.

MIC reports that peeing in the shower could end up saving the world – and it’s all down to conserving water.

Flushing the toilet accounts for around 27% of Americans’ water usage, with each standard toilet using around seven litres per flush.

The average adult pees around seven times in the space of 24 hours, and if we flush each time we go to the toilet, that adds up to 49 litres of water per day. Now imagine timings that by a year….


If you pee in the shower, however, you don’t need to flush – massively reducing the amount of water you use for one out of seven of your daily pees.  Do this every day, and you’ll save 2,555 litres of water per year.

And if everyone gets on board the peeing in the shower train, we could genuinely save the world, simply by reducing the amount of water each of us uses on a daily basis. Exciting times.