When Is It Really “Wine O’Clock?”… . Plus, The Top Ten Little Pleasures In Life

A winemaker in northern California commissioned a new survey to find out exactly when “WINE […]

A winemaker in northern California commissioned a new survey to find out exactly when “WINE o’clock” is and what are the things in life that really make us happy. The survey found that it’s the little things in life like a good book, that glass wine, or shopping that keep us happy!

But perhaps the most important finding (depending on who you are) of this survey was the precise time it was acceptable to have that first glass of wine! And the answer they came up with is precisely 6:59 P.M.

Almost half of those who took part in this survey said that they have a glass of wine weekly and even more said that they have several glasses throughout the week!


The survey also asked people to name the top “little pleasures” in life.  Not counting wine, here are the top ten little pleasures in life . . .

1.  Being able to just hang out on the couch and watch TV.

2.  A home-cooked meal.

3.  Shopping for yourself.

4.  Reading a book.

5.  Indulging in dessert.

6.  Date nights.

7.  Going to happy hour with your friends.

8.  A leisurely walk.

9.  Fresh sheets on your bed.

10.  Getting a massage.

A few more from the top 20 are ordering delivery, the smell of fresh laundry, watching sports, and taking a day off of work to do nothing.

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