You won’t Believe who wants to get into the Pot Business!

It’s a weekly stop for most of us! Canada’s largest pharmacy chain has formally applied […]

It’s a weekly stop for most of us!


Canada’s largest pharmacy chain has formally applied to be a distributor of medical marijuana.

Shoppers Drug Mart spokeswoman Tammy Smitham told CBC News that Shoppers has no intention of producing the weed but rather just wants to have the ability to dispense medical marijuana to patients in conjunction with counselling from a pharmacist…

According to the latest government data, more than 75,000 Canadians had valid prescriptions for medical marijuana at the end of June — a figure that has tripled in the past year — and they had purchased a total of more than 4,000 kilograms of dried marijuana in the previous three months. That works out to a little less than a gram of pot per day, per person.


Here’s the full story courtesy of CBC