Young Women Are Dreaming More About Sex Then Ever Before!

Oh my!

There was a study done that found women between the ages 16-30 are dreaming about sex more than ever; and as much as men!

And young women are having more erotic dreams compared to their counterparts a generation ago.  A study found that both men and women have sexual content in their dreams about 18% of the time.

This study was compared to a similar study done back in 1996 and it shows that there has been an increase in sex dreams among women especially. 

A study by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine found “sexual intercourse was the most common type of sexual dream content, followed by sexual propositions, kissing, fantasies and masturbation.”

Women’s sex dreams were also twice more likely to centre around public figures. Men tend to have multiple sex partners in their dreams.

And in case you were wondering, 20% of women’s sexual dreams — and 14% of men’s dreams — included their current or past partners.