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Accessibility Plan

Central Ontario Broadcasting operates radio stations Rock 95, KOOL FM and Indie 88, as well as online news through

We welcome comments regarding any accessibility barriers that you may have encountered in dealing with our organization. We are also in the process of developing an Accessibility plan and you are invited to provide input or suggestions as to how we can best develop and implement the plan.

What are accessibility barriers?

The Accessible Canada Act (ACA) defines a barrier as:

“anything physical, architectural, technological or attitudinal, anything that is based on information or communications or anything that is the result of a policy or a practice—that hinders the full and equal participation in society of persons with an impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment or a functional limitation.”

The ACA highlights the following areas of focus for the removal and prevention of barriers: employment; the built environment; information and communication technologies (ICT); communication, other than ICT; the procurement of goods, services and facilities; the design and delivery of programs and services; and transportation. The Accessibility manager will work with senior managers responsible for these areas. Those managers will be responsible for taking concrete actions to identify, remove and prevent barriers under each of the above areas.

How to provide feedback

The person responsible for receiving your feedback is our Accessibility Manager. Your feedback can be general in nature, or very specific.

You may contact the accessibility manager via email at or call  and ask for the accessibility manager at 705-725-7304. We can also set up a video call or in-person visit if required.

By mail

Please mail your comments to: Accessibility Manager, Central Ontario Broadcasting, 431 Huronia Road, Barrie, Ontario, L4N9B3


All feedback will be acknowledged via email, or, if sent by mail, through a letter sent to your return address. If you contact us in person via phone or video call, we will acknowledge your comments during the call.

Anonymous feedback

You do not have to provide personal information in order to provide feedback. If you wish to contact us without providing personal information, you may do so via telephone or via mail. If you telephone us, we will acknowledge your feedback during the call.

All comments and concerns will be addressed with the same care and attention whether they are provided anonymously or not.

How your feedback will be used

Feedback will help our organization improve our accessibility efforts. Some feedback may not require a direct response or immediate follow-up, and some may highlight issues that need to be addressed right away. However, all feedback received will help Central Ontario Broadcasting develop its future accessibility plans and it will help us know how we are progressing towards our accessibility goals. The feedback we receive will be taken into consideration when we write our accessibility progress reports, published in the years between accessibility plans. 

Employee feedback

Central Ontario Broadcasting employees should contact our manager of Human Resources, who is identified in the Employee Handbook. The HR manager is actively involved with all of our processes with respect to employment barriers. They will review your concerns with the Accessibility manager and work together with you to ensure there is adequate follow-up. As is the case with all HR related issues, all of your comments will be held in the strictest of confidence.

Employees wishing to provide feedback on an anonymous basis can do so by sending a letter to the Accessibility Manager or to the Human Resources Manager.


All feedback, responses to feedback and measures taken to improve process and remove barriers will be retained in electronic format and retained for a seven year period.

Alternative formats

You can request an alternative format of this feedback process description in large print or audio format or by sending an email to

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