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Middle Children Might Just Be the Best of Us, Study Suggests

Published January 27, 2025

Middle children, it’s time to claim your crown! A new Canadian study suggests that middle siblings—often labelled the most overlooked in the family—may actually grow up to be the best of the bunch.

For years, stereotypes have shaped the birth order debate. The eldest is often seen as the responsible leader, the youngest as the carefree wildcard, and the middle child?

Frequently dismissed as “the forgotten one.” This phenomenon, known as “middle-child syndrome,” is described by WebMD as the feeling of being stuck between older and younger siblings, receiving less attention as a result.

But, as it turns out, those struggles may pay off in the long run.

Honest, Humble, and Agreeable

Canadian researchers Michael Ashton of Brock University and Kibeom Lee of the University of Calgary found that middle children score higher in traits like honesty, humility, and agreeableness compared to their siblings.

Using the HEXACO Personality Inventory—a test that measures six key traits—the study revealed that middle children tend to “forgive wrongs, cooperate with others, and keep their tempers in check.”

In the honesty-humility category, middle children were described as being unlikely to manipulate others, uninterested in material wealth, and resistant to feelings of entitlement. Essentially, they’re the sibling most likely to play fair, share the spotlight, and keep it real.

Related: New Study Finds That Having Siblings Hurts Mental Health

How Did the Other Siblings Measure Up?

While middle children topped the charts in these categories, youngest siblings weren’t far behind. Eldest siblings, however, scored the lowest, with only children also lagging behind.

Famous Middles Who Made It Big

Need proof that middle children have what it takes to shine? Some of history’s most influential figures—like Martin Luther King Jr., Abraham Lincoln, Madonna, and Warren Buffett—were middle siblings.

So, while being stuck in the middle might not always feel glamorous, science says it could help shape you into a humble, kind, and well-rounded person. Middle children, take a bow!

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