Do You Suffer From "Pee-xiety"?
Is bathroom anxiety a part of your life? If so, you’re not alone. A recent study reveals that over half of adults experience what’s now being dubbed “pee-xiety”—anxiety triggered by situations where the bathroom isn’t readily accessible.
In a survey of 2,000 adults, 92% admitted they’ve delayed using the bathroom to avoid missing out on something exciting or important. Of those, 51% specifically reported experiencing pee-xiety when they found themselves stuck in scenarios that limited their access to a washroom.
About one-quarter of respondents (24%) admitted they regularly hold off on bathroom trips to ensure they don’t miss out on key moments they perceive as thrilling or crucial.
For some, this decision comes with a hefty price: 35% said they’ve missed significant life events because they were rushing to or stuck in the bathroom.
From a child’s first steps to unforgettable concert finales and once-in-a-lifetime photo opportunities, the regrets are real. A third of respondents even confessed they’d missed iconic sports moments because of bathroom breaks—whether it was a winning play during the Big Game, a grand slam in the World Series, a crucial three-pointer in the NBA Finals, or even their own child’s big win at a peewee match.
As for the worst times to feel nature calling? The study highlights a few scenarios that top the list: being stuck in traffic, enduring long car rides, waiting in line, mid-intimacy, or during the best part of a movie.
Adding to the struggle, one in five people confessed they’d felt serious FOMO (fear of missing out) while heading to the washroom during an unmissable moment.
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