Air Plane Etiquette

Etiquette on board planes is becoming even more important than it usually is — especially with so many people crammed tightly into the small spaces on board today’s commercial airplanes.
The top pet peeves when flying are when others recline their seat, those who don’t use their earbuds, and people who eat messy foods on a plane.
Other people shared additional pet peeves while flying or travelling…
These include people removing their shoes during the flight; people painting their nails during air travel; and people “bunching around the baggage claim” once they get off the plane and not allowing others to be able to grab their suitcases or bags from the baggage claim conveyor belt.
Here are five tips for those preparing to recline an airplane seat!
1. Recline slowly and gently. Doing so will (usually) alert the person behind you.
2. If the person behind you has long legs, be courteous and don’t recline all the way.
3. If you’re already reclined, slowly bring your seat forward when a meal is served.
4. If you’re trying to eat or work and the person in front of you reclines their seat too far, it’s OK to politely ask that person to slightly raise their seat.
5. It’s a common courtesy to take a peek behind you before reclining your seat, to watch out for potential knees or computers that might get smashed in the process.
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