An Incredible Local Young Duo Raising Money For Sick Kids
These girls are amazing!
I wanted to share this amazing story and email I got from two amazing girls, and their journey. Check it out:
"This September our family will once again be a part of Get Loud for Sick Kids. Last year we worked so hard to raise over $1600 in our very first year of Bug and Boo's Dream Team.
When Bug was just 6 years old she decided wanted to find a way to help a children's hospital. She had big plans to write stories and sell them at a book sale with her friends. When she was 9 we decided as a family that we needed to make this dream come true. The plan was that we would have a summer book sale, we would collect book donations and organize them to sell in our small town.
Summertime rolled around and Lexi became very ill. After 10 days she ended up in a local emergency room and in less than 48 hours she was transferred by ambulance to Sick Kids. We were so relieved, she had a gut feeling that's where she would be headed and we knew the care was top notch. As soon an we arrived we felt at home. They took such wonderful care of Bug. Every Doctor, staff member and volunteer made us feel at ease. We were so grateful to meet some other Sick Kids kids and their families. Lexi just knew that she had to help make a difference. She had a fairly short visit only 8 nights the first time and 2 nights following her surgery in the fall. Unfortunately this meant her fundraising plans had to be put on hold.
By December she was all fixed up and ready to get her fundraising efforts on the go. After lots of crafting time Bug and Boo sold ornaments at their holiday festival at school. Our little town helped them raise $500! It was an unbelievable start to what was going to turn into an incredible year.
In the spring we began planning the summer book sale and collecting books. There were many hours spent organizing books, making signs and getting word out. August finally rolled around managed to have her book sale. The girls also sold lemonade and had lots of supporters. Some of the best memories are marking off their chart as they started to reach their $1000 goal and the gentleman that arrived on a motorcycle and overpaid for his lemonade by 99 dollars!!! Their wonderful friends and family were there to help out the whole day. Coming up just short of their goal a beautiful local family topped them off! We were all left speechless.
The end of September we headed to our first Get Loud event. The whole day was so much fun, even with the rain! The energy of so many people together, supporting a wonderful cause was truly something special. Within 30 minutes we were already registered for 2020. We knew it was an event we couldn't miss.
Well here we are its 2020 and the girls have big dreams of raising $2400!!! Unfortunately the world went sideways and took our events with it. But, thats not going to stop us. We have created a bunch of surprise book bags. 5 books for 5 bucks and we will have lemonade for sale as well. We plan on starting this Sunday and continue every weekend until September. Luckily we had our Christmas sale to get us started and we will spend the next couple of months doing everything we can to help build a new Sick Kids.
Bug and Boo are from Hillsdale. So if anyone would like to support them they can follow our instagram @bugandboosdreamteam
We will have signs out on Hwy 93 in Hillsdale so people know where to go. If they can't make it but would still like to help they can follow the links on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook and donate online to our team!"
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