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It’s Star Wars Day! May The 4th Be With You!

So In honour of Star Wars Day, May the 4th be With you!
Published May 4, 2024
Star Wars Day - May The Fourth Be With You

In the years since Star Wars first entered the pop culture landscape, there have been tons of feature films released (with plenty more on the way), plus dozens of television series, novelizations, comic books, trading cards, video games, and theme park attractions. Not to mention hundreds of toys and licensed merchandise sold (oh, the merchandise!) and one terribly awesome holiday special.

There have also been millions (if not billions) of words written about the films, from reviews to fan theories and beyond.

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Fun Facts About Star Wars Day

1979 - The Conservatives in Britain congratulated Margaret Thatcher on becoming Prime Minister with an ad in the London Evening News that said, "May the Fourth Be with You, Maggie. Congratulations."

2008 - A Facebook group celebrating Luke Skywalker Day used the phrase.

2011 - The first organized Star Wars Day event was held in Toronto when a handful of comedians turned the geeky pun into a full-blown event inside the now-defunct Toronto Underground Cinema. And since Disney’s ownership of all things from a galaxy far, far away in began 2012, the fan-made day has become an actual sponsored holiday.

2013 - The Toledo Mud Hens wore Chewbacca uniforms for May the 4th and May the 5th (i.e. Revenge Of The Fifth). The year before, the teams' grounds crew (and fans) wore Jedi knight costumes.

2014 - The Durham Bulls got in on the action and dressed up like R2-D2.

2015 - Astronauts on the International Space Station watched Star Wars films and the Parliament Hill Peace Tower in Ottawa rang its bells to the tune of the Star Wars theme song, "The Imperial March."

But not every May 4th celebration is quite as big as all of these. Some prefer to keep it simple by sharing one of the hundreds of memes made to celebrate the day.

There are even a few for those who aren't into Star Wars and only say Spaceballs!

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