KOOL FM's Pot of Gold

Tipsy O’Kool has hidden another pot of gold somewhere in Simcoe County... and if you can figure out where it is, you’ll be $1,000 richer!
Listen to KOOL FM this St Patrick’s Day (Friday, March 17th, 2023), because every hour between 6am and 6pm (unless the pot of gold gets found before hand) he’ll give you a clever little clue in the form of a rhyme. To win treasure, all you have to do is solve the riddle, and be the correct caller through at 705-727-1075! Easy right?
Good luck and happy hunting for KOOL FM’S Pot of Gold, onl on Barrie’s Best Mix 107-5 KOOL FM!
(6 am)
Ready your compass, your maps and your pins – the hunt for my gold – it now begins!
(7 am)
County and Bounty is a wonderful rhyme... but City of Barrie will save you some time.
(8 am)
If you’re thinking downtown, you’re not that far away – but you’ll have to cross the line of the 400 highway...
(9 am)
If you’re trying to make your gold hunt worthwhile – set your sights on what some call Barrie’s Golden Mile.
Yes, it's Bayfield Street, congratulations to all..now will you look in a store, or will you look in a mall?
5 or 10 or 15 or 20,-only the first 2 will get close to the money.
If you're not sure quite yet - the situation is dire - but I'd set your sights near Canadian Tire.
Will you keep all the gold, or be tempted to share, with a thousand gold pieces there's plenty to spare.
You're now getting closer, don't lose track of the prize, you might be easily distracted by burgers and fries.
A word of advice, and a handy one too, if you want my pot of gold you must first change your shoes.
Be sure to check your maps, be it google or rand McNally, for my gold could be hidden right up your alley
Be it iron or gold, you must strike when it’s hot, and to find hidden gold, you might hear strike a lot.
Contest Rules:
The Pot of Gold Contest is open to any resident of Simcoe County over the age of 18,
KOOL FM will provide one clue every hour (although we'll play it twice) between 6 am-6 pm on Friday, March 17th, 2023
After the clue is provided the phone lines 705-727-1075, will open up and the first 2 callers will be allowed to make a guess as to where the virtual pot of gold is hidden.
All guesses must be specific, there is only 1 acceptable answer.
If no one guesses the specific location then the guessing is over until the next clue is revealed.
Once the pot of gold has been found the contest is over.
KOOL FM is not responsible for a listener's inability to reach the stations due to service interruption, technical problems, dropped calls, the failure of telephone or electronic equipment, poor/slow internet connection, or the inability of a listener to contact KOOL FM for any reason whatsoever.
Decisions of KOOL FM are final and cannot be challenged.
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