Kool FM's $10,000 Sounds of Summer

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Congratulations to our $10,000 Sounds of Summer grand prize winner Sarah Gray of Wasaga Beach!

We love summer! The feel of summer. The taste of summer. But mostly, we love the Sounds of Summer
1075 Kool FM and Paul Sadlon Motors are giving you the chance to win BIG with Kool FM’s $10,000 Dollar Sounds of Summer!
Listen daily for your chance to identify our Summer Sound. Get it right, and you’ll instantly win a Napoleon Freestyle Gas Grill courtesy of Napoleon Home Comfort. PLUS you’ll qualify for the $10,000 grand Prize!
The Freestyle 425 Gas Barbecue is a compact grill with premium features and unbeatable value. Ignited by the instant JETFIRE ignition system that lights the main burners with a jet of flame easily, every time. Get the perfect sear over the cast iron porcelainized enamel cooking grids. Four stainless steel burners provide heat that can be easily controlled by ergonomic knobs and monitored by the onboard temperature gauge. The rugged wheels allow this barbecue to go where the action is, while the easy-to-fold side shelves, featuring tool hangers and a bottle opener, make sure that the Freestyle meets your lifestyle and space

Kool FM’s $10,000 Dollar Sounds of Summer contest, driven by Paul Sadlon Motors – 550 Bayfield in North Barrie, and Barrie’s Best Mix 1075 Kool FM.
Listen to our 10th Sound of Summer
Dave Maurice of Midland guessed tightening an automobile gas cap
Incorrect guesses:
When you put a straw in the milkshake and slurp it out!
Unwinding a hose off of the hose roller...?
paper towel dispenser that's in a bathroom...
Crunching into a candy apple at a fair!
Game Yhatzi -Playing and shaking dice in cup!
Driving down the road with the window open!
An underwater camera taking photos
Opening A lawn or Camping Chair!
Pop cans dropping!
A broken slushy machine
Somebody dumping some charcoal brisket into the barbecue.
Somebody opening up a bag of charcoal
A skateboarder skateboarding on the sidewalk
Opening up a fresh box of golf balls and pouring them out
Sucking the last bits of a beverage out of a cup with a paper straw.
Dropping a basket of golf balls on the driving range
Snorkeling underwater and the underwater noises it makes
Putting a golf ball into a golf ball cleaner and then pressing the button to rinse the ball inside that little machine
A Ski ball machine dropping the ball
The slide in a view master changing to another slide
A golf ball dropping into the cup on the green at a golf course
The child toy popper the popcorn popper
A vegetable chopper chopping vegetables
Someone walking with swim flippers on
Ball washing at a golf course; plunging it down and up and down and up.
Cranking up a pop up trailer when you're going camping.
Somebody drinking the last bit of a slushy on the bottom of the cup with a straw.
A Keurig coffee maker or a Tassimo replacing the coffee pot in it. Like moving up and then placing it.
Stepping on the foot pump at a hand washing station they have at festivals
An ice machine dispensing ice cubes.
Going to an ice machine, pushing the button so it turns to let the ice out.
Wood falling from a wood splitter while making a bonfire.
Somebody dropping an arm load of wood onto the ground.
Those old time credit card machines where you slide the top over the paper with the credit card.
A pedal boat going down lake Simcoe and the sound of the pedal while the boat is turning
When washing lettuce, pulling the string on a salad spinner.
Pool or hot tub thermometer bouncing off the edge of the pool or hot tub.
A boat that's parked at a dock, and those bumper things that hang over the side are kind of bouncing against the boat at the dock as the waves roll.
A pyramid of cups, maybe three of them, and you're taking the top cup and you're sliding it down so you got like one group of cups.
An umbrella flapping in the wind at the beach
A thunderstorm
Dice popping inside a plastic board game bubble.
Red Solo Cups being poured out of a sleeve onto a counter top or table.
Hail hitting a windshield when you're driving.
Somebody eating a blizzard from Dairy Queen and it's down to the bottom where there's very little ice cream and the spoon is scratching on the side of the cup to get the last little bit of ice cream.
Turning a cassette over in a tape recorder
Popcorn popping in a popcorn machine
The rustling of a paper bag when putting in groceries or taking them out.
Scooping ice cubes out of the ice cube tray in the freezer.
When you put money into a vending machine to get food or a chocolate bar and when you put the money in it goes down and hits the bottom of the little tray at the bottom.
When it's nice on Sunday, you go outside to crank open your patio umbrella, and cranking it open.
Somebody sliding a patio door
A roller coaster going over the tracks at an amusement park
Dragging a cooler with something heavy in it behind you.
Somebody rollerblading on pavement.
Shucking corn and snapping the end of it off.
Somebody pouring ice cubes into a cooler.
A fishing rod falling down in a boat.
Filling a cooler with ice.
Weed trimmer, trimming weeds and grass.
Somebody using a pump action water gun.
Putting your hand out the car window in the wind, and moving it up and down.
Take a bucket of golf balls, throw them in another bin and mess around with it with your hands.
When you're playing mini golf and your ball goes around and into the cup.
Ripping cardboard to start a bonfire.
Twisting ice cubes out of the plastic ice tray.
Reloading the weed whacker and turning the dial to wind it up.
A flag blowing in the wind on someone's boat.
An old gestetner copier machine.
Those remote control boats you put in the water there, taking the back off to get the battery out, so you take the back off and pull the battery out.
Walking on a gravel trail and stepping on sticks.
Changing the batteries in a remote.
Listen to our 9th Sound of Summer
Alana Trumble of Barrie guessed "Dumping Golf Tees onto the kitchen table"
Grabbing a handful of golf tees
Dropping out scrabble pieces
Listen to our 8th Sound of Summer
David Knott of Barrie guessed "Cutting a Freezie"
Incorrect guesses:
Deck of cards, fanning shuffling
Someone taking a bite of a toasted sandwich!
Turning on a garden hose full blast and it hitting the pavement!
Drinking from a water bottle and you're crunching it...
The back of a baseball hat is being resized!
Dominos toppling
Ice machine popping out ice...
Kids game! Catch and release with the velcro...
Taking a bite out of a corn on the cob!
Peeling Corn off the cob!
Twiggs crushing beneath your feet walking on a nature trail!
Someone biting into an apple!
Ice machine...
Using the tab on the aluminum can to open it!
An emergency Icepack is being broken to place on the ankle!
A bag of ice is being smashed on the ground to bust it up!
Twisting an ice cube tray...
Someone taking a bite of carrot and it's crunching in your mouth!
can crusher to crush a can...
Crunching the bottom of an ice cream cone...
Cracking lettuce to make a salad!
Biting into a piece of celery
Crunching a bag of potato chips at the end to pour the rest into your mouth!
Car backing up over a water bottle!
crunching a water bottle from end to end!
Velcro opens up on a life jacket.
Cranking a boat in or out on the trailer.
Tearing a strip of tinfoil from the box packaging.
Ripping open a bag of microwave popcorn.
Someone using their foot or hand to crush an empty pop or beer can.
An ice cube tray when you twist it to pop out the ice
Opening a bag of Lay's potato chips.
Pulling the trigger of a water gun, giving a squirt of water, and releasing the trigger.
A cart going over gravel
breaking spaghetti
Taking a big bite out of an apple
Someone squeezing an empty disposable water bottle in their hands
Shuffling/splitting a deck of cards
someone shucking corn
The noise when you take an electric fly swatter and zap a bug.
One of those can crushers crushing a pop or a beer can.
Snapping a glow stick
Crushing a can
Somebody taking a bite of a freezie
Ice dispensing from a fridge
Shuffling or fanning a deck of cards
Snapping a stick over your knee to put in the fire
The sound of a watermelon being split open.
Starting up a gas barbeque
Cracking a glow stick
When you push your curtains to the side and the grommets clink together
A card shuffling machine shuffling cards
A water bottle being crushed in a can crusher.
Someone stepping on a water bottle
Smashing a water balloon on the ground
Breaking a glow stick for it to glow.
Biting into an ice cream cone, like the cone of the ice cream cone.
Popping bubble wrap
The sound cellophane makes when you squeeze it
When somebody is breaking up sticks to put in a camp fire.
The sound of a lawn mower starting.
Water splashing on concrete
Biting into celery
When the bucket of water at the splash pad fills with water and tips over.
An air powered sumatic hand crusher, so when they push the button the cans already in there it crushes the can, and then the plunger comes back and it's done.
Someone pressing the keys on a typewriter
Cracking a bunch of glow sticks
A nature walk in the bush stepping on branches that you break off when you step on them.
That velcro ball game that you have that big circular pad of velcro and you play catch with your kids, I feel like it sounds like the ball ripping off of that.
A shutter going off on a professional camera
People shuffling cards
A watermelon machete cutting a watermelon in half.
Scotch tape that you can get in two sizes.
The sound of scotch tape ripping on a gift box when you open the box.
The sound of breaking apart two popsicles that are still in the wrapper.
A pail of water being dumped into a hole while making a sand castle
Breaking a corn off a corn stock
Ripping the top off a bunch of freezies
Breaking Spaghetti into a pot.
Harvesting food out of your garden. Cutting lettuce or rhubarb.
Water being splashed onto a cement surface or a wall.
Biting into a hard shell taco.
Crushing chips on a counter.
Breaking their celery in half before putting it into their ceaser
A ratchet turning.
Breaking twigs/branches/kindling to start a fire.
Listen to our 7th Sound of Summer
Karen Harty of Bracebridge guessed "A Croquet Mallet striking a Croquet Ball"
Incorrect guesses:
A baseball bat hitting the ball for a home run.
Somebody taking a pool noodle and slapping the water with it.
Sound a flyswatter hitting a fly.
A beanbag hitting a cornhole game...
flipping a light switch from the wall!
Listen to our 6th Sound of Summer
Sarah Gray of Wasaga Beach Guessed "Spinning a Hula Hoop"
Incorrect guesses:
Wonky Wheel shopping cart!
A person using a stripe marking machine on a field
Turning on your gardening hose and it's pushing the air out!
Cement mixer!
Hand mixer in motion- mixing in a bowl and blades hitting each other!
A Frisbee hitting the ground.
South Simcoe Steam Train starting up!
Toploader wash cycle of a washing machine!
Peddle boat, the water underneath swooshing as you peddle.
The boat motor started up in the water for the first time.
Someone pushing off on a skateboard going down the sidewalk.
Refrigerator trying to make the crushed ice!
A weighted Hola Hoop and the ball goes around.
Pushing the fertilizer and the fertilizer comes out.
A flag being hoisted on a flag pole.
A hula hoop that has just gone around a person and is starting to hit the ground.
Pushing a manual push lawnmower cutting grass.
Something clanking in the dryer.
A Fan.
Someone on a construction site undoing a strap from a roll of metal piping and the piping lets go.
An open window while driving.
Idling of a seadoo.
Starting a boat motor.
The sound of a roller coaster going up a hill.
Ice being blended in a blender!
Starting a lawn mower and the blades starting to turn faster.
A roller coaster going through a tunnel quickly.
An automatic Ice Machine from a Hotel dropping ice.
My neighbour Billy starting up his tractor.
Getting a slushy out of the slushy machine.
Firing up a tractor.
A dog eating an ice cube.
The sound of a boat anchor's chain as you drop it into the lake.
Water going in a snorkel as you dive.
Revving up a Go-kart before you get on the track.
Woodchipper with a log going through it.
Super Soaker-Swoosh sound!
The sounds of the chain on a roller coaster going up to the top!
A hay bailer mechanism that creates a bale of hay.
A marble circling a pinball machine.
A Hoola Hoop.
Firing up a pitching machine.
Being pulled on a tube behind a boat and you're splashing against the waves.
Pool Pump Backwash!
Throwing a skee ball into a hole.
The brushes of a car wash starting up.
The sound of a boomerang being thrown and coming back!
The Sound of a ball going around on a roulette wheel and then stopping.
A fan's blades hitting the back or front of its screen protector.
Beginning of a rinse cycle of a washing machine.
A Hoola Hoop with beads in it.
The sound of a water wheel at a mill or dam.
The start of laundry in a machine, but the load is unbalanced!
One of those manual push lawn mowers but it doesn't have a motor that you just push them and it's the blade and the wheels going over the grass while you're pushing it.
A skip-it.
Someone pulling the strings on a lawn mower and the lawn mower starting up before the full blast.
An old-fashioned turn-style with a lot of people walking through it.
A golf ball washer washing a golf ball.
Train getting started and pulling out of the station.
A ball on a roulette wheel turning.
A countertop ice cream maker making ice cream.
The sound it makes when you prime a pool pump.
When you're using a paddle boat and it's the paddles trying to start rotating.
Throwing a hula hoop around your waist.
An outboard boat motor and waves hitting the side of the boat
A hula hoop wobbling to the ground.
Driving with a flat tire.
A metal garden hose holder and the sound of the hose being pulled through it.
The wheel on a Crown and Anchor game stopping.
A Pedal boat going through the water.
The Pedals going around when you're pedaling in a paddleboat.
A cement truck's mixer, mixing concrete.
The start up of a Tilt-A-Whirl at the fair.
Pulsating sprinkler hitting a wooden fence.
A boat going over waves or a wake in the water!
Water going through a water wheel.
Ranking an old ice cream maker.
Somebody in their big boat and they're flushing the toilet.
The broken McDonald's ice cream machine.
When the roller coaster is leaving the station
a lawn roller filled with sand rolling sod.
A hula hoop going around your waist you thrusting it around in circles.
One of those flexible plastic tubes that you use to be able to twirl a top of your head and it would make that sound, that hollow sound with the air in it.
A cocktail shaker with a cocktail mixing inside it.
A Frisbee falling to the ground.
Starting a cycle on a washing machine that you put your bathing suits and your towels and everything from the beach into, and starting to go on a cycle and the drum is starting to turn.
The churning of a paddle on a paddle boat.
A bilge pump to remove water on a boat.
A water sprinkler that you use in the golf courses, the ones that go around and around and around and water the grass. And what it sounds like before it starts up. And it goes around and around.
You've put your lettuce in the container, you put the lid on, and it's a salad spinner and when you turn the knob to spin it.
An automatic bubble maker, like a little battery operated thing that when you squeeze the trigger and bubbles come out.
A golf ball going through a tube in mini putt.
A tire on the ground that teeters before coming to a stop.
On a boat. A marine toilet.
A farmer harvesting his crop and the sound is the combine cutting down the corn or the wheat.
A sound of a Margaritaville cocktail mixer just starting to grind the ice to enjoy in a nice cocktail.
A ferris wheel in an amusement park as it starts off with its passengers taking it on a ride.
Your boat is docked, you're turning the key to the ignition to start it up. Your outboard motor is up, you're putting your gear shift into reverse to back it away from the dock, and as you're lowering your outboard motor, the propeller starts to rotate and spin as it descends into the water.
Pulsating sprinkler hitting a wooden fence.
Garburator/Garbage disposal turning on.
A farm harvester with the thrashers on the front when they go you know cut everything down, and as it's slowing down it's going chew, choo, choo, chooo.
A chain on a bicycle kinda slipping when you're switching gears while pedaling down a road.
Bingo balls being tossed around in the drum at a Bingo Hall.
Motor boat being pulled out of the water and onto its trailer.
Someone getting a well drilled.
Cranking open a patio umbrella.
Listen to our 5th Sound of Summer
Carey Kinsley of Angus guessed "tossing a bean bag and landing on a cornhole board"
Incorrect guesses:
Drawing an arrow in archery and it hitting the target
Listen to our 4th Sound of Summer
Deb Hilger of Barrie guessed "Closing a metal latch/clasp"
Incorrect guesses:
A counting clicker at a public sporting event, or an event.
The pushing of a turn style at a sporting event or an event.
Cocking a Nerf gun
A price gun
swiping a match against the back of a matchbook
Flipping a tab on a pop can
Someone going through the turn style into Canada's Wonderland
Listen to our 3rd Sound of Summer
Shayla Kohut of Cookstown guessed "a cooler handle tapping the side of the cooler"
The click, click of the button when you turn on the barbeque.
A door locking
Opening a screen door
Listen to our 2nd Sound of Summer
Bruce Cameron of Barrie guessed "Catching a Baseball in a Baseball Glove"
Incorrect guesses:
Pulling the trigger on a Nerf gun and hitting their sister in the back with it.
Closing the lid of a sunscreen bottle.
Bean bag hitting the cornhole board.
Water balloon hitting the ground.
The click of a BBQ grills ignition button.
Dropping a bag of ice on the ground to break it up!
A Balloon Being Popped by a dark at a fair!
Listen to our 1st Sound of Summer
Jackie Bell of Ivy guessed "Turning a Salad Spinner"
Incorrect guesses:
Someone slurping a drink.
Pulling a cooler on wheels across a boardwalk that's full of ice-cold beer.
Calculator ribbon.
A fertilizer lawn spreader.
Cranking open a patio umbrella.
Old push mower.
Electric card shuffler.
The idling of a Sea-Doo engine.
A needle at the end of a record playing.
Unrolling a hose from the round thing it sits on.
Filling up a cup with fountain soda.
Golf ball cleaner at a golf course.
Bingo Ball Spinner.
Bubble label maker.
The inground water sprinkler.
Cranking the mast on a sailboat.
Loading and Winding A Winch For A Jet-Ski/Boat.
Stirring Kool-Aid with a wooden spoon in a plastic jug.
A Boat Wench.
Seed Spreader.
Ice Tumbling around.
Reel of a fishing rod crank.
Rock Tumbler.
A salad spinner.
Gears on a carnival machine or rollercoaster.
A cocktail shaker.
A paddle boat on the water.
Cranking up the net on a volleyball net.
Swirling ice in an empty plastic cup!
An old-fashioned pencil sharpener
Horse hooves on the racetrack
A skateboarder.
Slurring through a straw, the last little bit in a cup!
A golf cart.
Bill counter in a casino or bank
Pulling a Wagon/Wagon Wheel on asphalt.
Pumping a Super Soaker.
Cranking of a Boat Anchor.
Electric Ice Shaver...
A boat idling dockside...
Lighting the flame on a barbecue
Stirring ice cubes in a glass pitcher of sangria with a metal spoon, or if you're a child it's going to be lemonade.
A radio you have to crank by hand
Electric pencil sharpener
Rotary cheese grater!
Ice cream maker!
An ATM machine dispensing money
A Prize wheel spinning at a fair
Riding a bike with training wheels on
A plastic trike on the sidewalk
A movie reel at the drive-in...
Swirling the dice in a Yahtzee Cup...
A kid pedalling one of those big wheel bikes with the plastic tires.
When you get an ice coffee from Timmie's and you pick it up in your hand and your circling your hand to stir the ice coffee around, and it's the ice making the noise.
A big wheel rolling on gravel
Electric awning opening on an RV
A little kid skateboarding down a boardwalk or a sidewalk.
BBQ wheels rolling on a deck
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