Parenting Rules Today Versus 30 Years Ago
Oh, how times have changed. What are some ways that PARENTING RULES have changed over the past 30 years? What happened to "because I said so?" Kids today have way more freedom and choices, but is this a good thing?
Mirror.Co.UK talked to 1,000 people with kids under 16, and 1,000 parents with children over 30.
Here are the top five old-school parenting rules we USED to enforce . . .
1. Respect your elders.
2. You don't always get everything you want.
3. Kids have to do chores.
4. You have to sit down and eat together as a family.
5. You have to behave, especially in public.
Now here are the five most common parenting techniques today . . .
1. Positive reinforcement instead of punishing them for bad stuff.
2. Giving them room to learn from their mistakes.
3. Giving them space to be playful and silly. 73% of parents today say they try to be more playful than strict.
4. Doing your best to connect with them. That's compared to just 37% of older parents who said they tried to be "friends" with their kids.
5. Helping them identify their feelings and process them.
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